So many people send pallets out, over-wrapped, under-wrapped, or not wrapped at all!
Guess what, if you analyze it, you'll find it's costing you the earth to send those pallets out, sometimes up to £2 each! And when you're sending over 50 pallets a week, that starts to get expensive and hurt your Gross Profit.
1. Overwrapping pallets: leads to an increase in plastic waste, expensive cost to send each pallet out, and does nothing but harm to your packaging budget.
2. Underwrapping pallets: increases risk for damages to some or all of a pallet, poor customer experience, and reputation damage to the business.
So where's the fine line between using too much or too little wrap for each pallet?
Focus on automation. Yes, it requires investment, but there's a proven ROI (Return-on-investment) over anything from 6 months to 2 years depending on how much you use the machine.
Automatic pallet wrappers really are the next 'Elon Musk' of innovation. They might have been around for a while, but too many businesses are ignoring them due to the theory they cost lots of £££. Well, they don't - read on.
What do Palletwrappers do:
1. Bring in time savings with automation - even with the most basic palletwrappers, you can set them up, and then use those operations for standard-sized pallets over and over again. Walk up to the machine > select which operation you want > press go > walk away and do something else.
2. Health and safety - we like to make a significant point of this one, as many other wholesalers don't. 60% of warehouse staff-related injuries are back-related. Then you have your hands and knuckles which often get grazed and worn by constant knocking on the floor with a roll of hand palletwrap.
3. Consistency in an image - all your pallets will go out looking the same! Therefore your customers have a consistent image of your company and your products, whilst also minimizing the risk of damages as each pallet is wrapped securely with the right amount of wrap.
There are two ways of controlling the cost. And it really is down to your company and the budgets you have.
A - Capital cost (which means you can take advantage of government incentives) and pay for the machine in one go, but with a proven ROI from the savings made on your current palletwrapping operation.
B - Rental. Yes, we offer Rental! Either
6 months, 12 months, 24 months or 36 months. This spreads the cost, and includes regular maintenance and a plan to make sure if the machine stops, it's fixed or replaced in an agreed time frame.
How do we look into buying/renting an Automatic Palletwrapper?
Simply ring or email us at sales@westmountpackaging.co.uk. This way, we can get a visit booked and some brochures organised for us to discuss the different requirements of your team and the best fit?
Speak shortly!
Team Westmount